Bible Well
Biblical and FIA resources for mobile phones
The Bible Well App puts essential multimodal resources on the mobile phones of church-based Bible translators, both online and offline. It is recommended by SRV for use by translation teams using FIA resources optimized for oral learners. Bible Well also provides exegetical resources for deeper checking and general Bible study helps in many gateway languages, facilitating high quality Bible translations and ensuring Scripture accessibility.
Trustworthy Bible translation resources for a deeper understanding of God’s Word
See how the Bible Well app and FIA resources in many gateway languages can assist with Bible translation and transform Bible study.
Bible Well for FIA
The six-step FIA (Familiarization, Internalization and Articulation) process and multimodal resources are now available on your mobile phone, online and offline. SRV, the creator of FIA, recommends that every translation team member have access to these resources and the Bible Well for FIA experience is optimized accordingly. FIA was built for oral learners and the Bible Well app delivers SRV’s audio files as well as textual scripts, images, maps and videos, bringing Bible truths to church-based Bible translation team members in many gateway languages. It is freely available.
Bible Well for Deeper Checking
Bible translators need openly licensed exegetical resources for deeper checking draft translations. Resources in the Bible Well app such as aligned Bibles, lexicons, translation words, notes and questions enable checkers to quickly and comprehensively verify Scripture drafts. These exegetical resources are available in many gateway languages, not limited to English. The Bible Well app is freely available.
Bible Well for Bible Study
The Bible Well app includes free Biblical resources in a variety of gateway languages for anyone seeking to go beyond just reading Scripture to truly study and understand it. Available online and offline, the Bible Well app is an excellent tool for believers who live in remote or semi-remote areas where Internet connections can be spotty. Multimedia resources provide the ability to listen to Biblical texts while reading them. Videos, images and maps enhance the experience. The Bible Well app is freely available.